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What is Energy Healing?

Brennan Healing
Brennan Healing Science
Chinese refer to the flow of Chi, Indians to Prana or Universal Energy, Christians described the halo of holy people, Buddhists and Zen explain it as emanating from the body. 
Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan, a physicist with NASA and a Clairvoyant conducted experiments and followed research on the Human Aura. Auric colors were measured in their frequency and it was found to compare with the color frequencies of blue, green, yellow, orange, red, violet and white. In 1982 she founded the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, that teaches Brennan Healing Science, to heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual person. 
Traumas can establish themselves as energy blockages that can manifest as disease in our bodies. 
Did you ever wonder why you had constant bouts of illnesses, or allergies or other health problems but never got rid of them? Did you try every possible option but nothing worked? Did you ask yourself why me? Is there a possibility there is more to your life or your body than what you see? 
We suppress feelings such as hate, envy and anger however, we can't control them. Feelings are not only dependent on thoughts or actions. It takes time to change them - and to discover and learn about the Self. 
Shadow work is an important part of Brennan Healing. The shadow is a part in us we consciously or unconsciously avoid. We don't want to show it to others or see it in ourselves. This causes us to fear, feel negativity or we sense that something is not right. 
The goal of Brennan Healing is to grow awareness. We learn to dissolve our shadows and to replace them with positive energy and joy. 
We create our lives!
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